1 Hour Private Lesson
Private lessons take place on the driving range and/or putting green, where golfers can choose what skills they would like to improve upon.
Singles $75 | Doubles $100
5 Lesson Series
The 5 Lesson Series, provides five 1-hour private lessons, where golfers can choose what skills they would like to improve upon and move at their own pace. This lesson can take place on the driving range and/or putting green.
*Lessons do not need to be on consecutive days.
Singles $325 | Doubles $475
2 day lesson
The two day lesson is an immersive experience and provides two days of 3-hour private lessons. The first day will start out with an hour of practice on the range &/or putting green and will transition to 9-holes of instructed play. The second day of the lesson, will provide 18-holes of instructed play on the course. Golfers can choose what skills they would like to improve upon and move at their own pace.
*Lessons do not need to be on consecutive days.
Singles $350
For booking and more information, please reach out to Kory Rountree by texting: 406-426-8153
The Junior Golf Academy is an 8-day camp and focuses on swing fundamentals, skills testing, course play, golf rules, and golf etiquette. But most of all, it’s about having fun. The program is capped off with a junior golf tournament and BBQ on the last day.